Fascia Blasting: What to Expect

Mar 11, 2024

Fascia Blasting is an innovative treatment option that targets the body’s fascia, the fibrous connective tissue that protects the muscles and organs. The fascia is largely comprised of collagen and its primary role is to serve as support for our musculoskeletal systems while we do any activity, whether it be walking, running, or sitting at the desk.

In recent years, links have been made between poorly functioning fascia and increased incidences of pain. The reason is because when the fascia isn’t doing its job properly, it inhibits the flow of blood to the muscles and reduces flexibility. For many, cellulite is a visual indicator that their fascia is distorted.

Fascia Blasting relaxes the fascia tissue in your body. It frees up fascia adhesions, which will ultimately help improve your flexibility, reduce your cellulite, and even relieve many of the symptoms related to chronic issues. If you are considering Fascia Blasting, then here’s what you can expect during and after the procedure.

How Fascia Blasting is Performed
Fascia Blasting involves using a specialized tool that is designed to manipulate and loosen the fascia. The tool, called the FasciaBlaster, was invented by Ashley Black. It looks like a stick with a series of hard claws or feet attached to it.

When Fascia Blasting is performed, the “claws” of the FasciaBlaster massage the skin and break up the adhesions that are causing the fascia to be weakened. As the fascia begins to relax, cellulite will gradually reduce.

How to Prepare for Fascia Blasting
Fascia Blasting works best when the body’s muscles are already warmed up. For this reason, it is recommended for the patient to take a warm shower or bath, use a heating pad, sit in a sauna, or exercise prior to receiving treatment.

Next, warm oil or lotion is applied to the targeted area to help the FasciaBlaster’s claws glide smoothly over the skin.

What Does Fascia Blasting Feel Like?

Fascia Blasting is a type of deep tissue massage, so it is not uncommon for the first few treatments to be slightly painful at times. The level of pain also depends on how poorly conditioned the patient’s fascia is in. Some patients may even experience mild bruising after undergoing their first treatments. But while the treatment can be painful at the start, the pain reduces significantly as the fascia’s health improves.

When the treatment is being applied, the FasciaBlaster tool is used to make light, brisk, linear strokes on the skin and deep into the muscles with the amount of pressure gradually increasing as the treatment progresses. The tool is directed up and down, side to side, and diagonally, but never circular. The claws of the tool should only move in a straight line because they are designed to break up the adhesions in the fascia. If the tool is used in a circular motion, then the adhesions will stick together instead of being broken down.

What to Do After Your Fascia Blasting Treatment

After receiving a Fascia Blasting treatment, it is recommended to lightly massage your skin and drink plenty of fluids. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after a session, as well as throughout the day every day. Water is essential for rehydrating your fascia, so if you aren’t drinking enough water, the fascia won’t be rehydrated.

You should also avoid sugary drinks and foods containing high quantities of sugar. The goal of Fascia Blasting is to smooth out the fascia and rehydrate it, so it can glide smoothly again. Sugar is sticky, so it is a natural enemy of Fascia Blasting.

Managing Post Fascia Blasting Expectations

After a few treatments, you will notice that your cellulite, wrinkles, and stretch marks are starting to smooth out. You will also find your pain is lessening and your range of motion and flexibility are improving.

But at the same time, you may have the feeling that your skin is sagging more than it was previously or you might see more lumps or dents showing up in the treated area. This is entirely normal and a sign that the outer superficial layers have begun to release and smooth out. As you get additional treatments, these lumps and dents will start smoothing out. The sagging skin is also entirely normal and temporary. Your skin is sagging because the fascia is becoming healthy. A healthier fascia means that your lymphatic system is functioning better and moving fluids out of your body. This helps reduce swelling and removes the restrictions that were previously placed on your muscles.

It is important to note, however, that because your muscles have been restricted for so long, they are most likely atrophied and will need to be built back up. Maintaining your Fascia Blasting treatments will continue to improve the health of your skin and incorporating an exercise regimen using light weights will improve your muscle tone and size.

Fascia Blasting is a process that will greatly improve your health and wellness, but it is important to remember that it is still a process. Nothing happens overnight and in a lot of cases, it might seem like the treatments aren’t working fast enough for your expectations.

For this reason, it is always recommended to keep a journal or logbook to record and track your progress. In many cases, you might think you’re experiencing micro changes, but then when you look back at your journey, you will see how much progress you’ve actually made. Documenting your journey allows you to look back at where you started, and this can be a powerful motivator.

To learn more about the FasciaBlaster treatments available at Birmingham Massage Couple or to schedule your next appointment, just give us a call today at 205-529-1516 or 205-381-1645, or book your FasciaBlaster session online.

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