Book an Appointment

Schedule a Massage Therapy Appointment

If you are hurting or need an appointment quickly please call Tom at 205-529-1516. If he doesn’t answer please leave a voicemail or call Cheryl at 205-381-1645.

Booking Online (Preferred and Required for Couples Massage):

  1. Choose your service of preference (couples massage, Deep Tissue, Fasciablasting etc.).
  2. Select your preferred therapist (profiles available here).
  3. Pick date and check therapist availability.
  4. Book appointment (couples massage require prepayment.)
  5. When booking a couples massage our software will not allow you to choose both therapists. You book one couples massage and choose one therapist. When the couples massage has been booked Tom will receive an email that the couples massage has been booked and then he will put a second therapist on the couples massage so that you will have two therapists.

Booking Appointments By Phone (Only if unable to book online or if you have questions) :

  • Minimum notice: Now offering same day appointments. After 8:00 you can book your appointment online as long as we have 2-3 hours notice.
  • Phone: 205-529-1516 (may not be answered due to appointments). Leave a voicemail; calls returned in order.
  • Prepayment required: Same day cancellations result in a cancellation of $45 per client. No call no show results in full charge. If you cancel prior to the day of the massage your prepayment will be applied as a credit on your account. If you would like a refund please call Tom for a refund.

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